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Awarded with the Prêmio Novos Talentos do Jazz 2018 (News Jazz Talents Award), the band created in 2016 by mozambican multi-instrumentalist Otis Selimane Remane is formed by young musicians from Unicamp (Campinas University) and Tatuí Conservatory that explore the rich soundscapes of the african diaspora. Living in Brazil for six years, Remane is also a teacher and researcher of rhythmic, melodic and harmonic cells from his own and neighboring countries in Central and North Africa. “In Mozambique, we have a musical experience quite present in our daily lives, in the melodies that echo from the elders and constantly return to our memories. That’s where I gather my inspirations from,” explains the artist. In the show “Tumbuluku,” which means “greeting our origines” in the bantu changana language, the group combines elements of rap, trap, neo-soul and jazz, in compositions that deal about love, the colonial war from which the country freed itself in 1975 and immigration issues, specifically in Brazil.

Sunday, October 17th, 7pm

Sesc Pompeia Theater and Sesc SP’s Youtube channel ( and on

Content rating: G



Otis Selimane (percussion), Rudson Daniel (percussion), Ricardo Braga (percussion), Rafael Mendes (bass), Guilherme Marcheto (guitar), Felipe Ribeiro (keyboard), Sidmar Vieira (trumpet), Thomaz Souza (sax alto/sax soprano), Jota P (saxophone)