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    Content rating: G

This short documentary reviews the journey of Brazilian musician Raul de Souza (1934-2021), one of world’s most important trombonists. Samba-jazz pioneer and inventor of the “souzabone”, Raul passed away in 2021 in Paris, where he lived for decades, troubled by the lack of recognition in his country of birth. The movie follows his journey since his childhood in Bangu, Rio de Janeiro, portraying important moments in his life, like Souza’s appearance – alongside others artists such as Pixinguinha, Maria Bethânia, Paulinho da Viola and Baden Powell – in the documentary Saravah (1969), by french filmmaker Pierre Barouh, and a revival with singer Maria Bethânia, with whom he played in the 60’s.



(Dir.: Heloísa Passos, Brazil, 2005, 15 min, documentary)